Natalia  is looking for a Room in Wageningen

Natalia is looking for: A Room in Wageningen

  • Room
  • Min. 6 m2
  • Female
  • 09 Immediately

I am a student of Msc Biotechnology looking for a room. I'm 24 and come from Poland (lived in Wageningen for 1 year). I speak fluent English, although my Dutch is still on quite basic level. I love to cook and share vegan food and bake cakes. I also enjoy taking care of plants as well as playing video games and getting together in a friendly group. I can say that I'm tidy and organised person that you can always count on. I've also been a board member of the VSA, and in my spare time I practice yoga. I really appreciate having dinners with my flatmates and don't mind parties around.

General information: Natalia
  Female, 26 years old